Changing Seasons

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Ultum Nature Systems Planted Nano Betta Tank Ultum Nature Systems Planted Nano Betta TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Nano Betta TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Nano Betta TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Nano Betta Tank


The creation of Changing Seasons was done with the goal of accentuating our living room space. We typically tend to gear towards classic rockscape style setups and wanted to wander off the beaten path and try our hands at something new. We started by choosing a hardscape material that we don’t personally use too often, Manzanita wood. From there, instead of creating slopes of green hues, we wanted to mimic the change of seasons by incorporating a variety of green, orange, pink and red aquatic plants. Choices are vast but we compiled a list of choices for the following 3 tank sections: foreground, midground and background. We kept in mind the shape of the leaves, the patterns of growth - did we want bushy? Wispy? Flowy? We had to make sure all plant choices would compliment each other while at the same time coincide without the takeover of one or another.

We ended up with 4 individual pieces of Manzanita Wood twigs that we pre-boiled and soaked to prevent leeching of tannins. Numerous species of aquatic plants were chosen for this aquascape. Only tissue culture plants were used for this to ensure absolute health from initial start up.


TANK CAPACITY: 5 Gallon Nano
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