Yama Mini

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Ultum Nature Systems Planted Nano Iwagumi Tank Ultum Nature Systems Planted Nano Iwagumi TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Nano Iwagumi TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Nano Iwagumi TankUltum Nature Systems Planted Nano Iwagumi Tank


Given our past few aquarium tanks have all been larger than 10 gallons, an aquarium tank with a nano blueprint was in order. With all new hardscape available, we settled on on another one of our favorite aquascaping stones, Manten Stone. This aquarium hardscape is collected from high mountain ranges and provides a mountain-like allure with subtle color tones. The inconsistency in size and shape provides beautiful realism when creating miniature mountain landscapes in an aquarium tank.
With this in mind, a nano mountainous-like, iwagumi aquascape was created. Keeping our aquarium plant choice minimal, classic carpeting foreground aquatic plants were selected. A mixture of Eleocharis Parvula Mini (Dwarf Hair Grass) and Hemianthus Callitrichoides (HC Cuba) were placed strategically to showcase their growth patterns in the best light.


TANK CAPACITY: 5 Gallon Nano
    • EASY